State | Punjab |
District / Sub District | Amritsar/- |
Address | A-Block Ranjit Avenue Pincode-143001 |
Hospital Name | Smt Paarvati Devi Hospital |
Category of Hospital | Private |
Medical College / Institute / Hospital / Clinic | Hospital |
Contact No. | 0183 5096600, 0183 5096601, 0183 5096602 |
Mobile No. | - |
Emergency No. | 0183 5096602 |
Ambulance Phone No. | - |
Tollfree No. | - |
Helpline No. | - |
Fax No. | 0183 5096600 |
Website | |, - | |
Specialties | Gynaecology Gynaecology and Obstetrics, , Paediatrics, Cardiology and Diabetes, Otorhino Laryngology, Orthopaedic, Urology, PaediatricsSurgery, Acupressure, Radiology(Sonography), Neuro Psychiatry |
Facilities Available | OPDIPDDiagnosticsEmergency |
Total Beds | - |
Geo Location |